Real Talk FUMC Pearland

"Old Made New"

Thea Curry-Fuson Season 3 Episode 6

Guest: Vance Wyly, City of Pearland

Discussion Topics
Intro and share the vision of  Pearland’s Old Town Revitalization 
How do you see this impacting FUMC Pearland?
Why should we be excited to preserve, celebrate and build new in Old Town?
What possibilities might this create for our city, neighborhood & community?
What are the challenges in revitalizing something old into something new?
What changes might this new life bring?
What does Jesus offer to those seeking to be made new? 
How might churches and other organizations offer the same? 

 What’s one piece of hope you offer to those who resist being made new? 
Where can listeners learn more about Old Town Revitalization?

Visit to learn more about the plans to make Old Town Pearland NEW!

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